Thursday, December 18, 2008
Grandbaby room... for Brookie.
Posted by Carol K's Happenings! at 3:50 PM 0 comments
Killian/ Stapley Christmas Party 08'
My Parents as a gift to the whole Killian and Stapley Family throw a HUGE tradtional party for all the Uncles and Aunts. This year was fun because we are a couple were invited. We had the best food, we had Morton's roast and all the trimmings. We had some fun and creative gifts that everyone seemed to enjoy unwrapping including Dad's morton Roasts in an icechest. Mom sewed these darling napkins and worked so hard to be the perfect hostess and fun party gal!
Posted by Carol K's Happenings! at 3:22 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Sunny Mesa Enrichment 2008
Sunny Mesa Had a Fabulous Enrichment evening based on "BELIEVING" and they did a really cute and fun theme of the Polar Express. The food was yummy and the movies were a highlight of the night. We had a great time and appreciate so many people working so hard for such a wonderful evening. David did all the AWSOME posters and more!
Posted by Carol K's Happenings! at 7:29 AM 0 comments
Birthday Song- From Sunny Mesa's Polar Express
Posted by Carol K's Happenings! at 7:18 AM 0 comments
Happy Birthday Mom
MOm had her birthday this past Thursday and we couldnt help but shower her with gifts and a really fun dinner party with teh whole Sunny Mesa Ward. Her amazing married kids help redo a room in the house and transformed it into the most beautiful grandbaby room. We did a sage green and a dark brown with a mixture of Cherry wood funiture. She loves it and now has a place to put Brookie's head. She got some cute clothes and some smelly stuff as well. Happy Birthday Mom! THanks for all you do to make our days perfect!
Posted by Carol K's Happenings! at 7:10 AM 0 comments
Gingerbread houses 2008
We did our tradional gingerbread family night at my Grandma Killian's this year. Brad and Jess Rocked their ginger house, we enjoyed having our martineli's and eating too much candy!
Posted by Carol K's Happenings! at 7:07 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Mom- yes my name is Mom bond!
So Thanksgiving was a huge hit, Moms Blueberry sourcream pie from scratch took second prize at our annual Nichols Thanksgiving dinner. The sisters were super women and no one can throw a party like these gals can. Moms daughters got togther on Wednesday for our traditional pie making but it was not a very successful day. Jess's beautiful pumkin burnt, Carols frist round of pie crust had WAY to much salt, Christi's cream pie didn't solidfy and really I guess we can'e win every time!.
First prize mom!
The dream team! These gals group up and are able to do the best parties. My cousin Treslee was married to the nicest guy named Rich Barry. The sealing was sweet and the best part was the reception was at our home. Tress's colors were red with black and white polka dots. So cute and the food was bomb! She did some yummy salads and the best rolls ever! and also had a perfect cake! Thanks Tress for letting us help you!
Posted by Carol K's Happenings! at 7:48 AM 0 comments
Cheeseballs- Merry Christmas
So those reading this blog that have had one of these delectable delights knows that Christmas can't get better then chowing down on one of the Killian's famous cheeseballs. They are spicy and are yummy and we made 85+ of them to hand out to half the city of Mesa!
Posted by Carol K's Happenings! at 7:40 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Happy Halloween, Pumkin carving tradition!
We had such a great time this past family night carving pumpkins. Mom ordered Pizzas and we carved our scary faces and had a chance to recount memories of past Halloweens.
Brookie loved this pumpkin, she would jsut hoot and hollar at it. So cute!
Posted by Carol K's Happenings! at 5:14 PM 0 comments
This cannot be happening. Someone, hurry--pinch me. Seriously, I have been hysterical ever since I heard of this scandal. Obama may not even be "eligible" for the presidency, because as of today, he still is unable to prove that he is a "natural-born citizen" of the United States of America. The constitution says that a candidate for president not only has to be at least 35 years old, but he or she has to be A CITIZEN of the UNITED STATES! DUHHH! I'm freaking out, and you will too once you watch this interview with PA attorney and life-long democrat (who's suing Obama over this)...
I've already emailed every talk radio and FoxNews program (no point in sending it to the rest of the Obama-mania-media) I can get an email address for. You all should, too! We've got to bring this "October Surprise" to the forefront, and we've got to do it quick!
NO Socialism! NO NON-citizens violating the US constitution and taking over our this great country! NOBAMA! Only six days to go...
Posted by Carol K's Happenings! at 5:11 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 19, 2008
The end of the word is coming. Might as well get prepared.
So many years ago this peice of land used to be a garden. We are in the process of recreating this area so we can eventually plant and reep the rewards of having a HUGE resource of veggies to munch on. Mom was their to bring us water, and take some of these really cute pix of us as we dig and set the rows up.
My cute husband Brad was in the dirt all day saturday as he rototilled the rock hard dirt. whoo hoo.
That is me.. and yes I am digging with a shovel. So far we have made six rows.
Posted by Carol K's Happenings! at 9:44 PM 0 comments